A Drop For Your Bucket: Run Your Own Race
A Drop For Your Bucket: Empty and Full
A Drop For Your Bucket: Simplicity
A Drop For Your Bucket: Encouragement
A Drop For Your Bucket: The Correct Conversation
A Drop For Your Bucket: Me Too
Cybersex trafficking: A modern take on commercial sexual exploitation
In an increasingly globalized world, ideas, culture, and commodities are easily accessible with just a click of a button or via a short plane ride. With this increased interconnectedness also comes the relative ease of the movement of people,…
Bone-tired and Soul-FULL
Perhaps I've had one too many elementary school Halloween parties in the last week, but the phrase "Bone-tired and Soul-full" is what has been coming to my mind since returning from Dallas last week. It was such an amazing and reinvigorating…
Connecting through Storytelling: In the presence of Eileen Rodriguez
With the Women’s Conference just around the corner, I was asked to write an article about the woman behind this brainchild: Eileen Rodriguez. I had heard of her quite often while working at My Refuge House (MRH), but I never had a face to…
Keep The Darkness At Bay
In J.R.R. Tolkien’s book The Hobbit, the wizard Gandalf explains why he has chosen a little hobbit named Bilbo to accompany the dwarfs to fight their enemy. He says, “Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold…