Irving Bible Church, one of our biggest and most faithful partners, has pledged to build our multi-purpose building AND half of our 3rd cottage for My Refuge House in 2015!
As a celebration for paying off their debt from their own building, Irving Bible is investing in their partners, and we are so grateful to be one of them!
These funds will give us the capacity to build the multi-purpose building that we desperately need for the girl’s classes, group sessions and meetings (our growing family can no longer fit into the living room/dining room area). AND will allow us to build one half of our 3rd cottage!!
Will you help us raise another $30,000 for the rest of the 3rd cottage? Click here to make a donation!
Here are some pics of the multi-purpose building we plan to build, designed by our partners at Visioneering Studios: The “Ohana Pavilion.”
It will be positioned right next to the cottage that we just finished building (Click here for pictures of that cottage!):
And it will have room for all of our staff and girls to celebrate and worship together!