Perhaps I’ve had one too many elementary school Halloween parties in the last week, but the phrase “Bone-tired and Soul-full” is what has been coming to my mind since returning from Dallas last week. It was such an amazing and reinvigorating experience to be there with Paula Dial (one of our board members), Kim Jones (our Director of Engagement), and so many of you for our SOLD OUT Fashioned For Freedom Runway Benefit.
One of the greatest truths I’ve come to know is Helen Keller’s quote “Alone we can do so little; Together we can do so much.”
This has been a theme in our lives at My Refuge House recently. Along with the response of our prayer partners and our community of staff and girls being present with our driver Emmy after he tragically lost his wife recently; to the way the girls all came together and supported our Shane as she faced her perpetrator in court for the first time; to the way that our LA event committee is making a magical evening happen on November 11th…being present with so many old and new friends of My Refuge House in Dallas last week brought the importance of being with each other clearly to the forefront. I have been reminded time and time again throughout the past month that the threads of our stories woven together makes all of our stories stronger.
Thank you to those of you who attended or encouraged friends to attend any of the gatherings in California and Texas over the last month. I’d like to say a special thank you to those of you who started or increased your monthly giving. We are well on our way to accomplishing our goal of having 100 new monthly partners by #GivingTuesday. This sustained giving helps us know that we can continue caring for the daily needs of our girls, and we can only do that with you. When I truly stop and think about the impact that one of your lives has on one of our girls’ lives, I am filled with gratitude and awe. With your help, we are truly building a global village to raise our children.
I look forward to sharing more stories with you as we move forward together “Restoring One Life At A Time.”
If you are interested in sharing your story and connection to My Refuge House through our “Connecting Through Storytelling” series, please send an email to [email protected].
Heather Bland is the CEO of My Refuge House. She loves to tell stories and talk about strengths. Feel free to email her at [email protected]
If you live in Southern California, you also have the opportunity to learn more about My Refuge House at our event on November 11th. We hope you’ll join us for Much Ado for My Refuge House: An Evening with the Improvised Shakespeare Company. Priority seating already SOLD OUT. Get your tickets today! All proceeds benefit My Refuge House.