Education is Essential
This short piece about the initiatives of our education programs at My Refuge House was written by Dr. Ivonn Ellis Wiggan. Dr. Ivonn joined the team at My Refuge House in May of this year and has been boosting the spirits of the girls and…
Introducing Dr. Ivonn Ellis Wiggan
Allison email Dr. Ivonn a couple of days later asking if she would ever be interested in working for My Refuge House. And the rest is history. Dr. Ivonn packed up her belongings (including an airbed that fits in her suitcase!) and relocated…
Labors of Love
In May, we had our annual Southern California Benefit Dinner-- but this year there was an added bonus. Through a collaboration with our friends at We Step Into the Light, we were able to display 12 original pieces of art work, created as gifts…
Hope and Healing Through Art
Art is powerful. It always has been, and always will be. Art has the capacity to touch the depths on your soul, in the places where words can't fit. Whether it's painting, dance, acting or singing, art is an incredible tool for healing.
Kickboxing for Freedom
I'd like to introduce you to my friend Kelly. Kelly used her talents as a photographer and video producer to help us tell our girls stories more effectively, but she was so touched by meeting the girls, she didn't stop there! Watch this video…
The Girl Who Doesn’t Run is Running for Her Life.
Unless there's a clown chasing me. With a knife. But even then, it's questionable. I'm the girl that reposts humorous e-cards on Pinterest that say things like, "I just ran my first marathon this morning! Just kidding, I'm on my…
Photo Blog of Completed Cottage (and Construction!)
At the end of August 2013, we started construction on a new cottage!
This cottage, is completed and will become home to six more girls who will be rescued from sex trafficking and exploitation in March 2014!
For those of you who missed our…
Paths of Least Resistance
People often ask me, "How do those kids get trafficked anyway?" and I typically say something cryptic like "Well, there are various common scenarios." Unfortunately, that answer does little to explain the realities of how trafficking happens.…
Blessing Our Cottage
On January 16th, four members of Irving Bible Church came out to our home in Cebu, Philippines to see the new cottage their wonderful congregation built. They got to know our girls, helped decorate the cottage, learned a bit about the Philippines,…
My Refuge House’s Year In Review 2013
2013 has been an incredible year for us at My Refuge House.
We started off January with the Slavery No More Freedom Walk and along with many other people and organizations advocating for an end to slavery!
In February, we redefined love with…