“Do your little bit of good where you are; it’s those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

Desmond Tutu

November 5th was a magical evening. Fashioned for Freedom was beyond anything we could have dreamed.  The beauty and creativity was mesmerizing. The sounds and stories captured our imaginations. It was a night that celebrated the restorative redemptive work of My Refuge House.



We were all astounded by the work that God so beautifully orchestrated.

Open hands and open hearts, that’s what God was using. The evening was created with a collective of people and their gifts. No gifts were too big or too small.

As I looked around the enormous room I felt an immense amount of gratitude. Knowing the time, effort and commitment that so many gave freely.  I could do nothing else, but to be overwhelmed by the generosity represented in that room.

There was our lighting engineer Cliff Allen who is an expert in his field who asked his boss to donate all of the spectacular lights that brought the show to life. That’s generosity!

There was Oscar Camacho and Dallas Stacy who gave us the amazing sounds that they mixed and produced. That’s generosity!

There was of course our most lovely and kind creative director, Hailey Bell. She gave countless hours to create a night that was beyond our imagination. She spent all of her extra time choosing the most beautiful pieces of clothing and accessories. In addition, she designed and hand dyed the beautiful gowns for the finale. That’s generosity!

There were the models who so kindly and graciously gave their time. They showed up and honored our girls by walking in the show. That’s generosity!12208700_10204681596540575_1175607889675827964_n

There were those doing hair and makeup that used their vision and creativity to bring to life Hailey’s beautiful ideas and designs. They’re kindness and love for their craft was so evident in the show. That’s generosity!

There were those that dealt with the details. Victoria Andrews and Chelsea Conway were our front of the house and backstage producers. They gave so much attention and time to every detail. That’s generosity!

There were the professional photographers, Stacey Jamison Portraits, Ashley Cole & Charles Stafford. They captured beauty, creativity & the fun being experienced. They used their gifts for the sake of others. That’s generosity!

There was Candace Goodman who saw we needed table cloths and immediately went out and purchased them. That’s generosity!

There was Briley Studdard who offered her amazing talent of flower arrangements. She gave her talent and gifts. That’s generosity!

There were the volunteers who checked in the guests. The volunteers who helped people find their seats. That’s generosity!!

There were the graduate students who could only afford a small amount to donate, but they gave what they had. That’s generosity!

There was Sigma Chi that choose to give their time and energy to FFF. The guys came early and left late. They helped set up and take down. That’s generosity!


There were so many more moments where others were giving of themselves and we couldn’t possibly name them all in one blog post. Please know that we at My Refuge House are so very thankful!

In this season of giving thanks we are so grateful for all of those who have given tirelessly to the restorative and redemptive work of My Refuge House. There are no gifts or talents that can go unused in the work of peace. As Desmond Tutu says, together those good things (gifts & talents) can overwhelm this world. I pray that we would all be so generous with what we’ve been given.

We all have something to give. I pray that each of you would consider what you’ve been given and give it away for the sake of others.

If you would like to give to work of My Refuge House you can donate here.

Perhaps you would like to volunteer for Fashioned for Freedom 2016. If so please email [email protected]

Blessing and peace to each of you.

Be sure to check out all of the Fashioned for Freedom event pictures here

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